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Café con Ciencia in Sevilla

Coffee with Science is the activity that opened the Science Week at the UPO on November 4. These are meetings of scientists and scientists with small groups of secondary and high school students and their respective teachers with the aim of sharing experiences and bring the youngest to the research. Each scientist sits down to “have coffee” and chat with groups of students.

On Friday, November 8, Marian Pérez Bernal participated in the Café con Ciencia with the talk “Tareas de la Filosofía hoy. From analyzing fake news to researching about community resilience”, in which I presented the CoNECT project and the activities we are doing in that framework.

Café con Ciencia is an initiative of the Descubre Foundation, in collaboration with the main research and dissemination entities in Andalusia. It is part of the activities of the Science Week.

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