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The Fourth URBOTECA Fellowship 2024 Group Meeting

ruxandra mocanu

We recently met again at the Faculty of Sociology, University of Bucharest, for the 4th group gathering of the URBOTECA Fellowship 2024 teams. The meeting provided a platform for insightful discussions and collaborative learning. Here are some key aspects we explored together:


1. Analysis of Urban Relationships and Actors

Each team of fellows presented their preliminary observations, offering a detailed picture of the interactions and relationships that shape the urban environment. We discussed how each actor influences and is influenced by the urban context, which is essential for understanding the dynamics in our urban settings.


2. Application of Social and Spatial Mapping Tools

Our experts, Gruia Bădescu and Oana Druță, guided us on the effective use of mapping tools. They demonstrated how to adapt these tools to meet the specific needs of the communities we are working with. Here are some highlights:


Participatory Mapping

We learned how to involve local communities in data collection. This method helps identify areas of interest and the concerns of residents in the Creative District.


Social Network Analysis

We examined the networks formed between residents and various organizations in Cișmigiu, identifying how interactions among these actors influence community development.


Aerial Photography with Drones

Using drone technology, we obtained detailed images of the Victoria Depot, providing a broad perspective on this area with potential for urban regeneration.

Interviews and Surveys


We discussed how structured interviews can help gather deeper insights into community needs. This method is crucial for better understanding the needs of visual artists in the MALMAISON project.


3. Developing Research Methodologies

The teams of fellows worked on defining and refining their approaches, planning data collection and analysis methods. This part of the meeting emphasized the importance of careful planning and a deep understanding of the research context and objectives.

Special thanks to our partners:

Teatrul Masca

Atelierele Malmaison

Grupul de Inițiativă Civică Cișmigiu

Cartierul Creativ

Centrul de Teatru Educațional Replika

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