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- CoNECT, Philosophy and Republicanism
Within the framework of the X Congress of the Academic Society of Philosophy, “Democracy, emancipation and social suffering. Proposals for an uncertain future” held in Granada from October 25 to 27, 2023, Marian Pérez Bernal presented the paper "The values of Republicanism help us to analyze citizen networks from Seville to Stockholm in the 21st century. The importance of the presence of Philosophy in the ERA-NET projects" in which the contributions that can be made from Philosophy in the CoNECT project were raised. Starting from the thesis that the ideals defended by Republicanism can be useful when analyzing and strengthening everyday community practices, which are a fundamental tool both from the perspective of ecological transition and the strengthening of democracy. Republicanism consists not only in the ability to elect the head of state but fundamentally in returning power to the citizens by favoring their participation and ensuring a certain equity that prevents excessive inequalities. Analyzing the material foundations of social life from the values of classical and modern republicanism can help us to better understand what reforms from the material point of view would help to create a world more in line with the values we want to defend. According to Victoria Camps, democracy should be the search for the satisfaction of common needs and interests. To achieve this, it is necessary to build a climate of collaboration and cooperation. The purpose of public virtues would be to help create such a climate. The proper functioning of society will depend on virtues such as solidarity, tolerance and collective responsibility. The analysis of republican values and public virtues will help us to rethink how human interaction and citizen participation in shared projects can contribute to social cohesion.
- The UPO team organizes an event at the Researchers’ Night in Sevilla
Last September 29th, our team presented the project in the open forum of the Researchers’ Night. The activity took place in Plaza Nueva, near Sevilla’s town hall, in the center of the city, and it was attended by around 20 people. The activity was open to all, and the goal was to make research accessible to other types of public. We talked about urban resilience, as linked to the main global problems, including the so-called climate emergency, and that takes as a reference specific and diverse experiences that are significant, especially at the socio-community level and from the point of view of social cohesion. We tried to transmit the idea of the project not from the definition of these concepts and the establishment of a theoretical framework but in a simpler and more entertaining way, which consisted of an exhibition of expressive photographs. Antonio, Jose and Marian first presented the CoNECT project and UPO’s participation in it, making an emphasis on the multidisciplinarity of the team. They then proceeded to introduce some of the intiatives that the project has collected information about and their relevance. We presented, through images, the work of Mosaikfabriken in Gothenbourg, Zone Sensible in Paris, Omslag Werkplaats voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling in Eindhoven, and that of two initiatives in Seville, Parque Estoril and Jardines en el Aire. From the point of view of the general methodology, we commented on the interest of Citizen Science and the generation of networked and "back and forth" learning. We concluded with a reflection on the possible links of these experiences with the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs, highlighting their participatory, social and community components. All in all, a successful event that brought our research a bit closer to the general public.
- EcoLab - Workshop 1
The aim of this introductory workshop at La courtille middle school was to involve Sustainable Development students interested in ecology to explore their neighbourhood, identify places they go to regularly in Saint Denis, and have ideas about ecological improvements to their neighbourhood. The workshop helped us to understand the neighbourhood better, encouraged the students to have a critical lens on their environment; was a first look at the neighbourhood in an ecological way; and identified issues in the neighbourhood From this session outputs were synthesised to create a picture of Saint Denis through the students eyes, enabling the following co-design workshop to build on the neighbourhood context and focus on the school site. The pupils were from year 7, 8 and 9, hand had identified Sustainable Development as an interest. SD is an elected module, so the pupils already have an interest in sustainable practices. The session was facilitated by the La Courtille Sustainable Development teacher, aaa, and the CoNECT team. Participatory Mapping in the Classroom The workshop began with a Mapping exercise. The class split into 4 groups. Each group was given a pre-prepared printed A1 perspective map-drawing of the Saint Denis area, with the school site at the centre. The first exercise consisted of identifying the places that they go to locally, writing names for internal spaces on one colour post-it, and for the interior spaces on a second colour. The second exercise consisted of identifying their most frequent journey, drawn with a coloured pen each, and specifying the kind of journey (by bus/on foot). Exercise 1: The students identified many local places that they frequent often - outside spaces include bus stops, public spaces, sports grounds, gardens, playgrounds and parks; internal spaces include other schools, eateries, cafes, sports halls, and religious spaces such as mosques. Exercise 2: Quickly we began to see the most popular quotidian routes were from home to school. If the students lived closeby, they were on foot. Further away, they were by bus. Most students live close by and travel to school on foot. There is a strong crossover of routes in proximity to the school; many students cut through the estate to get to the school gate. Walkabout - Mapping ecological potential in the neighbourhood The second part of the workshop focused on ecological opportunities, strengths and weaknesses in the neighbourhood. First, we split the neighbourhood up into 4 similarly sized parts, so that each group would explore a different area. Each facilitator accompanied and worked with a group for this part of the workshop. Each group of 5 students were given an A3 sheet of the same map base as previously used. The aim was for the facilitator to take photographs of things (as directed by the pupils) that seemed like ecological processes, where there could be improvements made, opportunities for ecological intervention, or where there is a problem. Each photo was located on the map and numbered using a pen. This map combines all 4 groups’ photographs from the walkabout and categorises them into different types of observations: Growing spaces (2) Green spaces (16) Waste management problem area (4) Mineral spaces (2) Opportunity space (7) Space already in use (21) Strengths The pupils identified a number of cultural spaces that they appreciate and use regularly such as the maison de quartier, and the ‘mediatheque’ (media library). There are also a number of green spaces and growing spaces that they enjoy such as the garden at the maison de quartier, Gally farm and the clos la fabrique. They identified squares and playgrounds that worked well, occasionally highlighting the need for more seating in these areas. They liked planted flowers and wooded areas. Weaknesses: Generally the pupils find waste management to be lacking in the area. Bins are often untidy and overflowing, and there are areas where rubbish is thrown and not picked up, including fly tipping. Opportunities: They identified a number of opportunities for planting, growing food, public realm improvements such as seating and space to eat for example. They also identified a number of opportunities for composting. They also mentioned providing spaces for those in need. Conclusions: The pupils were able to be critical of their neighbourhood and identify opportunities for ecological improvement. They also gave importance to social support, linking ecological practices to social issues of homelessness and food security. They were able to quickly have many ideas for projects to carry out in the neighbourhood. The workshop was a one off with this group - as there were students from 3 different year groups, they do not normally work together.