The EFF&T Partnership Chair
What ‘resilience’ means to us
We are particularly interested in the processes of collective, coopérative and democratic construction of territorial resilience. We are thus interested in local situations in which, in the face of environmental crises that are multiplying, monitoring and foresight are developed as the basis and source of capacities to anticipate and possibly mitigate the disturbances that are coming. We are particularly interested in the modes of learning, adaptation and innovation carried out on a collective scale, as the basis for a democratic quest for a new state of territorial equilibrium.
Our role in the project
The EFF&T Chair will cooperate closely with AAA in the French team and on WP3: CoNECT Labs. The partnership with La Preuve par 7 (Patrick Bouchain) facilitates a privileged access to a complementary set of fields, information and knowledge. Our contribution will focus on alternative modes of transmission of locally produced knowledge in experimental situations at different scales, and in particular on the possibilities of digital and person-to-person transmission that includes learning-by-doing and in situ experimentation. We will also contribute to critical and prospective approaches to local experimental situations and their network connections, mobilising a transdisciplinary panel of researchers.
We joined the CoNECT consortium after several collaborations with AAA. For the EFF&T Chair, this project offers the opportunity to broaden its investigations into the issues, possibilities and limits of international co-production of new knowledge in relation to local experimental situations.
Who we are
The EFF&T Partnership Chair - Experiment, Make, Fabricate & Transmit - federates transdisciplinary activities at all levels - from initial and continuing professional training to doctorates and academic courses - around situated experimentation dealing, initially, with the circular economy of architecture. The EFF&T Chair is supported scientifically by teacher-researchers from ENSA Paris-la-Villette (ENSAPLV) which is the largest French school of architecture, and the University of Paris 1.
To read more about us, visit our website here.